Resources to help you connect with Jesus and personally engage in His mission

Who's Your Crew

Luke 6


Transcript Available

SKU: LW4708
Author: Kuhl, Carl


The Gospel and Vulnerability is the only path to true community. Scripture reminds us in Genesis- that it is not good for us to be alone! We were made to be known and to let the full measure of God’s grace and truth meet us in that brokenness. When God came in the flesh and lived as we were intended to- He did so in community. Jesus intentionally prayed for who God wanted him to do life with. So who’s your crew? Who are the people God has or wants to bring into your life to join you on the path to true community?


Know: It is not good for man to be alone! The best way for grace and truth to help our brokenness is in community of believers.

Feel: Compelled to need community.

Do: Pray for your crew. Sign up for a group before you leave the service.

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